LH Loveless & Co
Quality Brass Railway Models
Fellbeck, Harrogate HG3 5EP
Telephone : 01423 712446
email : lawrie@loveless.co.uk
Coaches, Wagons and Accessories
We recently launched the first of our Famous Train series with the LNER 1935 Silver Jubilee 7 car set and we are now down to our last few 'O' Gauge fine-scale sets for immediate delivery.
Please enquire now to reserve your very own Famous Train!
Close up of one of our coaches showing the level of detail in our coaches
We have our last few LNER (ex NER) Dynamometer car in unlined Ersatz Teak - 'O' Gauge fine-scale
KEMILWAY Korean Brass LNER Tourist Stock: Brake/3rd.: Buffet Car; Open 3rd articulated twin in original Green and Cream; Crimson and Cream or BR Maroon. Boxed part sets.
KEMILWAY Korean Brass LNER Tourist Stock: Brake/3rd.: Buffet Car; Open 3rd articulated twin in original Green and Cream; Crimson and Cream or BR Maroon. Boxed part sets.
For more info see East Coast Bundles
LNER Quad Art set in 'O' Gauge fine-scale - first sample produced and finished by Dave Studley - please contact us to reserve your numbered edition.
Versions planned: GNR/LNER/BR Quad-art Brake/3rd and Brake/Composite sets in Teak or BR Crimson
LNER Gresley Teak coach Full Brake in Gauge 1 - first sample produced
Coming soon in 'O' Gauge fine-scale: Teak; Crimson/Cream or Maroon options:- Gresley 6 car Mainline set;
Brake Third Open + Restaurant First + Open First + Restaurant Third + Open Third + Brake Third Open
With options to add the following optional coaches:
Option 1: 2x Open Third
Option 2: 1x Dia 113 Full Brake
Option 3: 1x Cinema car (Teak only)
Please contact us to register and for price information
Please contact Lawrie for availability and prices either by emailing lawrie@loveless.co.uk or phoning 01423 712446
:: Victoria Bridge, 1861 engineer John Fowler over Severn Valley
:: GWR Footbridge project
:: British Railways Standard Class 9F
:: East Coast Complete Train Bundles
:: LNER/BR A1 / A3 Class
:: LNER/BR A4 Class
:: LNER P2 Class
:: W1 10000 Hush Hush
:: LMS Princess Royal Class
:: LMS Duchess 'Coronation' class
:: Future Projects
:: Stock List, How to Buy & FAQ
:: Coaches, Wagons and Accessories
:: YouTube video selection